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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dr. Vandana Shiva | Consummate spiritual ecologist

Dr. Vandana Shiva  
Dr. Vandana Shiva combines the highest of holistic, systems science with activism; she joins resistance to giant corporations seeking to privatize and own seed and water with building alternatives so that the basis of life stays in the commons and supports all life.
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What is unique about Dr. Shiva is she effortlessly combines scientific research with action, resistance with constructive creative action to build alternatives and grassroots involvement with global transformation.

As a thinker and public intellectual, she has contributed to a paradigm shift from violent predatory, exploitative science, technology and economic organization to non-violent, compassionate, cooperative systems of knowledge, production and consumption.

Among Vandana Shiva's many honors is the Right Livelihood Award—also known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”—for her work in placing women and ecology at the center of the international development agenda. She is the author of more than 300 papers in leading scientific and technical journals, and her book-length publications include: Soil Not Oil (2008), Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, and Development (2010), Violence of the Green Revolution (2011).
Navdanya | Diverse Women for Diversity  

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 27, 2014

Dorothea Lange | Long may we remember

Today in Mighty Girl history, the influential documentary photographer and photojournalist Dorothea Lange was born in 1895. Lange is most widely known for her Depression-era work documenting the realities of life for poor and oft-forgotten Americans, and bringing their experiences into public awareness. Her talent resulted in a Guggenheim Fellowship for excellence in photography in 1941 making her the first woman to receive the honor.

Born in Hoboken, New Jersey, Lange’s journey as a photographer began as a college student and then an informal apprentice in New York City. By 1918 she had moved to San Francisco and established a successful portrait studio, catering to upper class clients. However, a cultural shift changed her course and led to her lasting fame as a documentary photographer.

At the start of the Great Depression, Lange began to focus her work on the unemployed and homeless people on the streets in San Francisco. Her powerful black-and-white images led to a position with the Federal Resettlement Administration, later called the Farm Security Administration, highlighting the plights of sharecroppers, migrant workers and other members of agricultural communities.

Her striking photography brought awareness and humanity to marginalized groups across the nation. Subsequent projects included recording the Japanese-American internment camp evacuations, among other topics, but today her most recognizable work is “Migrant Mother,” from her Depression-era series. To view a selection of Lange's famous photographs, visit the MoMA website at

For a fascinating book on her life for readers ages 10 and up, we recommend "Restless Spirit: The Life and Work of Dorothea Lange" at

To learn about our favorite Mighty Girl stories set during the Great Depression, check out "The Gardener" for ages 4 to 8 (, "The Mighty Miss Malone" for ages 9 to 13 (, "Moon Over Manifest" for ages 9 to 14 (, "Out of the Dust" for ages 9 to 13 (, and "Esperanza Rising" for 11+ (

For books for young readers about the Japanese-American internment camp evacuations during WWII, we recommend "A Place Where Sunflowers Grow" for 6 to 10 (, "So Far From the Sea" for ages 5 to 9 (, "Weedflower" for ages 10 to 14 (, and "Journey to Topaz" for ages 9 and up (

And, for stories of girls and women living through poverty and hardship like those depicted in many of Lange’s famous works, visit our “Hardship/Poverty” section at

I am all too often disillusioned about the misuse of online social media. I do not care to see entertaining pet tricks or the food anyone chooses to eat at a meal.  Pictures of these meals seem little more to me than an extraordinary lack of creative imagination, as well as an inordinate waste of energy and time.  Today, fortunately, is an exception for which I am grateful. A Mighty Girl shared a posting on Facebook, both acknowledging and honoring a woman I've long believed contributed greatly to America's knowledge of the trials and tribulations suffered and endured by working poor. She photographed these people with compassion and the respect each deserved. I am indebted to A Mighty Girl for this post about Dorothea Lange. Thank you. 

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 27, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Wear red | Nigeria's Childrens day, 27th May 2014.

Nigeria Newsdesk @NigeriaNewsdesk · #BringBackOurGirls and 'Women For Peace and Justice' movements are asking everyone to wear red for Nigeria's Childrens day, 27th May 2014.
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 26, 2014

May we steadfastly follow Gandhi's example . . . now, always . . . . .

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 26, 2014

Let us all remember those who have sacrificed so we do not allow these sacrifices to ontinue

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 26, 2014


Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 26, 2014

Bit by bit -- THIS MUST STOP, N-O-W

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 26, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Did you know? Now we do --

About hip replacement

The American Recall Center provides drug and medical device recall information alongside practical healthcare information and support. We aim to build the most comprehensive resource on the Internet for timely and trusted material regarding healthcare topics that matter to the consumer. The team at ARC is dedicated to helping consumers find accurate information with ease.
Dr. Mario Trucillo, Managing Editor

Dr. Trucillo is an expert medical writer, editor, and medical affairs consultant. He has worked as a medical director at various medical marketing and communications agencies, specifically with pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients across numerous therapeutic areas, including: diabetes, cardiovascular disease (stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation, heart failure, CAD), oncology, vaccines and communicable diseases.
Dr. Trucillo received a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from Montclair State University and later a PhD in Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. He has 10+ years in academic research with a focus on diabetes, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. He maintains his interest in scientific pursuits, medical affairs, FDA regulation, drug development and medical research, and keeps up-to-date with current developments.
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 23, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Another perspective | The sacred feminine and gender roles

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 20, 2014

I am a wild woman

I listen to my heart and I follow my intuition. I am wise. I am strong. I am happy to just be me.

The Wild Woman can be found within any woman, but despite the occasional sighting of the Wild Woman she is lost behind social masks and expectations.

When the Wild Woman is lost, an innate part of the woman is lost.

The Wild Woman celebrates the woman within in all her uniqueness and beauty. The Wild Woman is above reproach. She is a natural healer. She is sensual without apology. She is compassionate and supportive. She lifts others up. She is confident yet humble. She is connected to nature. She is creative. She is strong without being hard or brash. She dances and sings because she just can’t stop herself from enjoying life.

She is simply herself. She honours who she truly is. She stands in her own power and she speaks her own truth. She sets values to live by and she is accountable for her actions and her words.

I am a Wild Woman. I am uniquely me and my journey to self-acceptance has taken lots of twists and turns. I hope to share some of those experiences and what I learned to help other woman open their minds to the infinite possibilities that simply being yourself can open up.
Amy D. Penny
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 20, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Yuri Kochiyama | Mountains That Take Wing with Angela Davis | Sandra Oh Performance

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 17, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

We are NOT alone

For women and girls to reach their highest potential, we need to know that we are not alone, and strong women have come before us. That's what books, and art, and stories are for!

For 450 stories for children and teens about real-life girls and women who weren't afraid to let their inner superhero shine through, visit A Mighty Girl's "Role Models" biography section at
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 17, 2014

Always remember

I share this with you with my deepest gratitude to Wild Woman of the Sisterhood who is always speaking to my heart as a gentle reminder of the beauty I always, but always, hold within my heart--

The four Universal Healing salves

In many Shamanic societies, if you came to a Shaman or Medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions.

When did you stop dancing?
When did you stop singing?
When did you stop being enchanted by stories?
When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of Soul.
Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four Universal healing salves.

The Four-Fold Way : Walking the Paths of the Warrior
Artist: Susan Seddon Boulet
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 16, 2014

Having her say

. . . Virginia Woolf’s famous dictum, in her essay “Professions for Women” from the collection Women and Writing, that writers must kill the Angel in the House. By the Angel, Woolf meant the female — more specifically, the mother and wife — whose role in life was to be the gracious hostess-cook-and-mender, smoother-over of family tensions, and graceful supporter of the endeavors of husband and (male) children. Woolf had to kill the Angel, she said, because its top priority is self-suppression and conciliation, while to write one has to display “what you think to be the truth about human relations, morality, sex.”

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 16, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wrong is wrong

Wrong is wrong
In 1990, the maternal mortality rate in America was 12.4 women per 100,000 births. In 2003, it was 17.6. Now it’s 18.5.
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Something’s clearly wrong.

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The data tell the story: A study by the Roosevelt Institute shows that U.S. states with high poverty rates have maternal death rates 77 percent higher than states with lower levels of poverty. Women with no health insurance are four times more likely to die during pregnancy or in childbirth than women who are insured. 
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So as the sputtering economy casts more and more women into near poverty, they can’t get the health care they need.

Several of these same states have also cut family planning, restricted abortions, and shuttered women’s health clinics. Right-wing ideology is trumping the health needs of millions of Americans.

Let’s be perfectly clear: These policies are literally killing women. 
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 13, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Always remember

Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 12, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers' Day

For the mothers in Nigeria, demanding action to bring back their daughters;
For the mothers in Syria, fighting to keep their families together;
For the mothers in Afghanistan, voting in hopes their daughters can get an education;
For the mothers in the United States, working to close the gender pay gap:
Thank you for holding up half the sky.
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Investing in Women

The intro for the original post that included the graphic that is the impetus for making this entry appears to have been deleted in the process of sharing and so I have copied it to include here with gratitude to Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn 
Kudos to the bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House and Senate that have reintroduced the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA), including Rep. Jan Schakowsky. Let's get this legislation passed and signed!
Stephanie Doty
Women’s Issues Matter
May 10, 2014